Genuine Nova Scotia Oatcake Collector Editions 2016
In July 2014, we started labeling batches with current events, "Collector Editions", if you like.
Each batch of oatcakes is unique in time, no doubt subtly flavoured by the weather, mood and perhaps even what was listened to during its creation.

Looking back 478500 Oatcakes Retrospective: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014

December 2014, saw the introduction of REDS, with dried Cranberries and BLUES with dried Blueberries as a complement to our classic GNSO.
Mid-January we produced the world's first COMBO Oatcake with both Blueberries & Cranberries to much critical acclaim.

If you like lavender – experience “love at first bite!”
In March 2016, after much anticipation and experimentation, we introduced Genuine Lavender Oatcakes baked while listening to Tony Bennett's “Duets II.” and made with Culinary Lavender Buds harvested at Seafoam Lavender Farm, River John, Nova Scotia.

“Ginger Bakers”
In October 2016 we surpassed our original goal of baking 108,000 oatcakes. Now polished, practiced and professional having climbed important learning curves, no longer dilettantish, what now? To celebrate we made our first ever ginger oatcakes – with fresh organically grown ginger roots from farms in the Annapolis Valley. From the outset we knew this would be seasonal accompanying the autumn harvest. By mid December the ginger harvest was done. Our final batch was dubbed “Ginger Bakers”, in honour of the famous drummer. We so look forward to the fall of '17 when we can do this again!

Genuine Nova Scotia Oatcake Small Batch production per month since July 2014

“Food preparation is a sacred activity. If you could see the sparks of light going forth from the fingertips when cooking, and the energy that goes into the food you handle, you would realize how much of you imbues into the meals that you prepare for family and friends.”
– Sally Fallon Morell

Date Batch Listened to:
2016-12-30 Cranberry Heartbreakers
Thomas Cowan
Human Heart, Cosmic Heart
(audio book)

2016-12-26 Winter Blues
All things Tom Cowan:
What's not to love about a doctor whose most emphasized prescription is holding hands and walking barefoot on the beach?
2016-12-21 Garuda Reds
2016-12-21 Winter Classics
2016-12-20 Ginger Bakers
Tuck & Patti YouTube Mix

Beware of Mr. Baker The Ginger Baker documentary 2012

2016-12-18 Chomsky Combos Democracy Now! 20th anniversary
Noam Chomsky on Trump and the decline of the American Superpower
with Harry Belafonte
2016-12-17 Cold Snap Ginger
Overheard at Seaport Market this morning:
“These are the best oatcakes I've ever had!” – Belinda

“I love these so much!” – Tanya

“Those are delicious!” – Amy

“I have one of these on the back of my carry-on suitcase.” – Larry

2016-12-16 Aleppo Reds
“...the idea of self-expression becomes absolutely central to the power of modern capitalism. It's what drives it. So if you then have a radical art which is based on the idea of self expression, which it is, then however radical your message is, however powerful what you're saying is, the fact that you are doing it through self expression, means that actually what you are really doing is feeding the underlying ideology of modern consummer capitalism. Because it depends on the whole idea that you are a self expressive individual.

“I mean someone once said to me that the the most radical thing you can do these days is just not be self expressive. One person said that the most radical thing you could do is come out of your house one morning, turn right, walk across Europe on a line you've drawn across a map to Aleppo, get there and don't tell anyone and don't write a book about it. That's the most radical thing you could do. And don't tweet it – don't tell anyone.” – Adam Curtis

2016-12-14 Gambian Blues
Power Grab in Gambia
While the world's attention is elsewhere, Gambia's ousted president is igniting a crisis
2016-12-13 Windhorse Combos
Riding on the Wind: The Culture of Windhorse
2016-12-12 Lungta Classics
How cool is that?
– a life force one can actually ride!
Wind Horse
Fair Wind Films
The Simulation Hypothesis

Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
Mahamudra I. Yogic Songs of Milarepa

Josh Fox
How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can’t Change

2016-12-09 Reindeer Reds
Noam Chomsky
Requiem for the American Dream

John Pilger
The Coming War on China

2016-12-08 Lavender Love XIV & XVI
Sugar Coated
Sugar Coated investigates a once secret public relations campaign, dating back to the 1970s, where the sugar industry deflected threats to its multi-billion dollar empire from scientific research emerging implicating processed sugar with adverse health effects. In order to continue sweetening the world’s food supply, thus securing continued profits, the sugar industry turned to the very same deceptions and tactics lifted from the tobacco industry. Using big sugar’s own internal documents on this strategy, Sugar Coated reveals the well-oiled tricks of the trade to confuse the public about what is really driving the global pandemic of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Will we be fooled again?

It's so easy to sell sugar...

2016-12-07 NS Teachers Blues
Schooling the World

Michael Sandel
What Money Can't Buy
At 44:00
"For fear of disagreement we hestitate to bring our moral and spiritual convictions into the public square. But shrinking from these questions does not leave them undecided. It simply means that markets will decide them for us. This is the lesson from the last three or four decades. The era of unquestioned market faith has coincided with a time when public discourse has been largely hollow of moral and spiritual substance. ¶ One of the greatest tolls that this hesitation, this refusal to engage in substantive moral discource about the he meaning of goods, one of the deepest tolls its taken, one of the most corrosive effects of the marketization of everything in recent decades has been on commonality. The sense that we are all in it together."

Escape! From the Cult of Materialism (2016)

2016-12-05 NS Teachers Classics
John Ralston Saul
Innovation: To What Purpose
Pithy and to the point on Education beginning at 41:00:
Utilitarian vs Empowering & enabling for uncertainty models

2016-12-01 Nova Scotia Gingers
Google and the World Brain

2016-11-30 Naomi Klein Combos
Naomi Klein
2016 City of Sydney Peace Prize Lecture and Award Ceremony
On 11 November 2016, Naomi Klein received the Sydney Peace Prize for exposing the structural causes and responsibility for the climate crisis, for inspiring us to stand up locally, nationally and internationally to demand a new agenda for sharing the planet that respects human rights and equality, and for reminding us of the power of authentic democracy to achieve transformative change and justice.

“The way forward is completely clear – for Canada – and for the world.
You simply know it in your heart.”

2016-11-28 Naomi Klein Classics
14th LaFontaine-Baldwin Lecture: Naomi Klein
Ever wonder what's up with the Leap Manifesto?
Listen here, it's only been a year...

2016-11-25 Simply Reds
with Nova Scotia Cranberries
Denis Delestrac Films
“Thanks Ken! I can almost taste them!! Perfect! Thanks for your exemplary service!”
– Megan in Toronto

2016-11-24 Mother Earth Blues
with Nova Scotia Blueberries
Jesper Bergmann, Michael Madsen
Into Eternity

2016-11-17 Golden Ginger
with Fresh Nova Scotia Ginger
Adam Curtis

2016-11-16 Terra Beata Combos
with Cranberries & Blueberries
Honouring our supplier
Terra Beata Cranberry Farm
Ken Wilber
A Revolutionary Spirituality

2016-11-15 Leonard Classics
Leonard Cohen on Mt. Baldy

2016-11-10 Republican Reds
Adam Curtis
Living in an Unreal World

2016-11-07 Presidential Blues
Adam Curtis Interview

2016-11-05 Ginger Organics
Adam Curtis

HyperNormalisation wades through the culmination of forces that have driven this culture into mass uncertainty, confusion, spectacle and simulation. Where events keep happening that seem crazy, inexplicable and out of control—from Donald Trump to Brexit, to the War in Syria, mass immigration, extreme disparity in wealth, and increasing bomb attacks in the West—this film shows a basis to not only why these chaotic events are happening, but also why we, as well as those in power, may not understand them. We have retreated into a simplified, and often completely fake version of the world. And because it is reflected all around us, ubiquitous, we accept it as normal. This epic narrative of how we got here spans over 40 years, with an extraordinary cast of characters—the Assad dynasty, Donald Trump, Henry Kissinger, Patti Smith, early performance artists in New York, President Putin, Japanese gangsters, suicide bombers, Colonel Gaddafi and the Internet. HyperNormalisation weaves these historical narratives back together to show how today’s fake and hollow world was created and is sustained. This shows that a new kind of resistance must be imagined and actioned, as well as an unprecedented reawakening in a time where it matters like never before.

This Curtis tour de force dovetails rather neatly with the Welsh Massey lectures immediately below.

Overheard at the Forum Market this morning:
“This is the best oatcake I've ever tasted!” – Cathy

2016-11-04 Kalachakra Combos
Jennifer Welsh
2016 CBC Massey Lectures, "The Return of History"

2016-11-03 Lavender Love XII
Chu On This
A Toronto-based food and travel blog exploring and celebrating the culture behind the culinary. Created and curated by Annie Chu.

2016-11-02 Standing Rock Classics
Leonardo DiCaprio
Before the Flood

2016-10-28 KiloCan Reds
Family & friends
2016-10-27 KiloCan Classics
Family & friends
2016-10-26 Dakota Access Blues
John Ralston Saul
Living with Uncertainty: The Road to Peace
If nothing else visit Ralston Saul's summary of our "military industrial complex – security state: 6 minutes at the 1:00 hour mark.

Amazing Grateful Dead Play Lists –
Dead & Company 7/23/16 Full Show @ The Gorge Ampitheatre, George, WA.

2016-10-26 Secret Path Combos
Gord Downie's
Secret Path

2016-10-22 Ginger Cakes
Our first ever!

108,000 oatcakes baked since July 2014

Overheard at Markets this weekend:
“The best cookie in the city”

“My husband would divorce me if I didn't bring these home.”

“This is the best oatcake I've ever had!” – Kenny Parsons

2016-10-20 Divine Combos
Direct quote from our quality assurance department...

2016-10-20 Washington Blues
After the third debate – what more can one say?

2016-10-19 Robotic Reds
Celebrating the launch of Anki Cozmo and the new age of robotics.

2016-10-18 Schiaparelli Classics
Total recall ... of unsuccessful attempts to land on Mars
Upaya Zen Center
September Podcasts

2016-10-14 City Combos
Andrew Holecek
The Now and Future of Buddhism

2016-10-14 Integral Reds
Ken Wilber
Introduction to Integral Spirituality

2016-10-12 Honey Lavender
CBC Radio Sunday Edition
News from the Red Desert; Dead Mom Talking; Man's Search for Meaning

2016-10-12 Formless Classics
Andrew Holecek on Vimeo
Dying & Rebirth
2013-04-23 Grillo

2016-10-07 Jipugtug Combos
Charles Eisenstein on SoundCloud
The Fertile Ground of Bewilderment
St. James Church, Piccadilly(London) 10-2016

2016-10-06 Big Sky Blues
Biophilic Cities Films
Check out the hospital build in Singapore!

2016-10-05 Really Good Reds
Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche's Teachings in Mexico
Tapes from this past weekend.
Rinpoche teaching on Mind Training, in Tibetan 'Lojong'.

2016-10-02 Windhorse Classics
Findhorn Foundation
A New Story for Humanity
Change the Story, Change the World

2016-09-30 Lojong Blues
Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche's Teachings in Mexico
Live Stream this weekend.
Rinpoche is teaching on Mind Training, in Tibetan 'Lojong'.

2016-09-29 Spirit Classics
Andrew Holecek Sound Cloud Playlist

2016-09-28 Cruise Ship Combos
Andrew Holecek Sound Cloud Playlist

2016-09-27 Bailiwick Classics
Andrew Holecek Sound Cloud Playlist

2016-09-26 Cranberry Reds
with Springbrook Organic Cranberries
Noam Chomsky live from Chicago

“Thanks for your excellent product, your excellent customer service,
and your commitment to the environment!”
– Shirley in Franklin, New York

2016-09-24 Smart Cookies
Classic Oatcakes
Andrew Sullivan
I Used to Be a Human Being

2016-09-23 True North Blues
Martin Lukacs
Justin Trudeau’s lofty rhetoric on First Nations a cheap simulation of justice

2016-09-22 Co-emergent Combos
Andrew Holecek Sound Cloud Playlist

2016-09-20 ZeDay Classics 2016
Andrew Holecek Sound Cloud Playlist
  • Relationships & Buddhist Practices
2016-09-19 Lavender Love XI
Amelia Curran Six Shooter Playlist

2016-09-18 Amelia Reds
Amelia Curran – The Mistress Playlist

2016-09-14 King Gesar Combos

Reinventing Organizations Audiobook

2016-09-11 Gesar Classics

Reinventing Organizations Audiobook

2016-09-10 Reinventing Reds

Reinventing Organizations Audiobook

2016-09-09 Lavender Love X
with Nova Scotia Lavender Culinary Buds
Tony Bennett, Lady Gaga Mix Amazing Playlist
2016-09-08 Planet Earth Blues
United Natures: a United Nations of all Species
2016-09-07 Drala Combos
Invoking Drala. Alexander McQueen 15mar09
“I recalled the famous image of Lisa Fonssagrives-Penn…very invoking the balance of exteror and interior dralas, the combination of which rises Secret Drala or “Windhorse”, as described by in Chögyam Trungpa his book SHAMBALA: The Sacred Path of the Warrior as “…raising a wind of delight and power and riding on, or conquering that energy.” As a Buddhist monk who himself was seen with an “ever-present glass of saké, a man who took many lovers, was chauffeured in a black Mercedes, and, though paralyzed, rode a white Lipizzaner stallion,” according to Waylon H. Lewis, founder of Elephant magazine, who grew up with the monk, this was someone who knew how to live with drala.” – Jade Dressler
Exactly 95,000 oatcakes baked since July 2014

2016-09-06 Vegetorium Classics
Vajrayana text on the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
2016-09-06 Grainery Classics
Vajrayana text on the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
2016-09-03 Drala Classics
Vajrayana text on the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
2016-09-01 Drala Blues
Vajrayana text on the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
“We all want to feel powerful, to have something empowering in our life. Yet the only true power is innate power, like sap running through trees, power that we all have from birth. No matter whowe are, rich or power, we can feel this inner power even momentarily like the poet in this haiku realizing that we are part of a vaster realiy, that we have the power of ancient stars in our eyes. In Tibet this is called drala, cosmic force energy that we can tap into anytime, anywhere. The ‘spirituals and the blues’ are and example of drala, as songs that America's black culture used during slavery and the civil rights movement especially to empower themselves of heir true transcendent humanity as beings of the universe, beyond their suffering...” – George Swede in Haiku Mind (page 191)
2016-08-31 Drala Reds
Drala Principle
2016-08-29 GNSO Classics
2016-08-28 Seattle Combos
with Nova Scotia Blueberries and
Organic Springbrook Cranberries
Sunday Morning on CBC
“Thanks Ken. Now we are officially addicted.”
– Wendy & Bob in Seattle

2016-08-26 Lavender Love IX
with Nova Scotia Lavender Culinary Buds
Tony Bennett, Lady Gaga Mix Amazing Playlist
“You make the best oatcakes ever” – Clara

2016-08-24 Tibetan Tulku Blues
with Nova Scotia Blueberries
Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche
Time for Radical Change in How We Raise Our Tulkus
2016-08-23 Tragically Hip Combos
with Springbrook Organic Cranberries & Nova Scotia Blueberries
Gord Downie Interviews
2016-08-21 Hip Reds
with Springbrook Organic Cranberries
Vintage Tragically Hip Playlists
Over 90,000 oatcakes baked since July 2014

2016-08-20 Hip Classics
The Tragically Hip: A National Celebration from Kingston, Ontario
2016-08-04 Seaport Classics
Vajrayana text on the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
2016-07-30 Improved Classics
Vajrayana text on the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
Who could imagine? An accidental unintented alternation of our recipe this week has resulted in a "new improved" GNSO!
They were good before, and yet much better now thanks also to a new convection oven which bakes precise and perfect gold!

2016-07-28 Lavendar Love VIII

Tony & Friends Playlist

2016-07-27 Fearless Combos

Vajrayana text on the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

2016-07-26 Vajrasattva Blues
About Vajrasattva on Wikipedia
Vajrayana text on the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

“These are deadly...”

2016-07-25 Vajrayogini Reds
About Vajrayoginia on Wikipedia
Reinventing Organizations Audiobook

2016-07-19 Compassion Classics
Reinventing Organizations Audiobook
Transforming the way we work together from command and control (aka institutionalized bullying) and from artifical to natural emerging hierarchies means holding the space so that love and compassion can thrive in the workplace. Could this be possible?
2016-07-18 Lavender Love VII

Reinventing Organizations Audiobook

“These are exceptional”
– Sharon

2016-07-16 Compassion Combos

Reinventing Organizations Audiobook

2016-07-13 Organic Blues
Reinventing Organizations Audiobook
The “Organic” series here refers to the fact that it has always been said that “we're growing organically” – production, distribution and so on. More so as this book Reinventing Organizations points to a form of organization that operates organically – focusing on self-management, whole persons, and evolutionary purpose. We find this notion very inspiring!
2016-07-12 Organic Reds

Reinventing Organizations Audiobook

2016-07-10 Organic Classics

Reinventing Organizations Audiobook

2016-07-09 Forum Farmers' Market quote of the day:
“We just got back from Scotland. These oatcakes are much better!”
– Jolene & Craig

2016-07-08 Organic Combos

Reinventing Organizations Audiobook

2016-07-06 Awareness Classics Translating the words of the Buddha
The Ornament of the Light of Awareness
That Enters the Domain of All Buddhas

2016-07-05 Lavender Love VI

Evonomics articles
The Next Evolution in Economics

2016-06-30 Economic Combos

Evonomics articles
The Next Evolution in Economics

2016-06-28 Economic Reds

Evonomics articles
The Next Evolution in Economics

2016-06-27 Economic Blues

Evonomics articles
The Next Evolution in Economics

2016-06-26 Economic Classics

Evonomics articles (beginning with the earliest in 2015)
The Next Evolution in Economics

2016-06-24 Brexit Reds Translating the words of the Buddha
The Ornament of the Light of Awareness
That Enters the Domain of All Buddhas

2016-06-18 Lalitavistara Blues Translating the words of the Buddha
The Play in Full – Lalitavistara (2MB PDF)
2016-06-15 Lalitavistara Classics Translating the words of the Buddha
The Play in Full – Lalitavistara (2MB PDF)
2016-06-14 Lalitavistara Combos Translating the words of the Buddha
The Play in Full – Lalitavistara (2MB PDF)
2016-06-12 Rhododendron (Rhotos)Reds
Rhodos in full bloom this week! Translating the words of the Buddha
The Play in Full – Lalitavistara (2MB PDF)
Mayor MIke Savage and Allister under the GNSO Tent
Mayor Mike Savage and Allister J. Littlefair-Wallace under the Genuine Nova Scotia Oatcakes tent at the Halifax Forum Farmers' Market Saturday morning.
2016-06-10 OM Blues

Tony & Friends Playlist

2016-06-10 Gordie Howe Classics

Tony & Friends Playlist

2016-06-09 Lavender Love V
with Lavendar Culinary Buds

Tony & Friends Playlist

2016-06-07 Nondual Combos
with Blueberries & Cranberries

Science and Nonduality
Latest Videos Playlist

“Well worth the money!”

2016-06-06 Little Bear Reds
with dried Cranberries
Congress 2016 of the Humanities and Social Sciences
Big Thinking - Leroy Little Bear: Blackfoot metaphysics 'waiting in the wings'
2016-06-02 Lavender Love IV
with Lavendar Culinary Buds

Upaya Dharma Podcast Series
Zen Brain 2016: Complexity and Connectivity

Tony Bennett: Duets II

2016-06-02 Telomere Classics

Upaya Dharma Podcast Series
Zen Brain 2016: Complexity and Connectivity

2016-06-01 Cosmic Combos
with Blueberries & Cranberries

Upaya Dharma Podcast Series
Zen Brain 2016: Complexity and Connectivity

2016-05-30 Snowden Blues
with Terra Beata Blueberries

2016-05-27 Lavender Love III
with Lavendar Culinary Buds

Upaya Dharma Podcast Series
Zen Brain 2016: Complexity and Connectivity

Tony Bennett: Duets II

2016-05-24 DiEM25 Reds
with dried Cranberries
2016-05-23 Basic Classics

Yanis Varoufakis

2016-05-20 Malcolm X Combos
with dried Cranberries & Blueberries

May 20 is Malcolm X Day.

Upaya Dharma Podcast Series
Zen Brain 2016: Complexity and Connectivity
2016-05-19 Cranberry Reds
with dried Cranberries
Upaya Dharma Podcast Series
Zen Brain 2016: Complexity and Connectivity
2016-05-18 Cookie Monster Blues
with dried Blueberries
The Dharma of Money podcast
2016-05-17 Dzogchen Combos
with dried Blueberries & Cranberries
Mixing Fire and Water – An Interview with Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche
“The love is baked right in!”

2016-05-12 Europa Classics

Eurovision 2016
2016-05-11 Lavender Love II
with Lavendar Culinary Buds

Sogyal Rinpoche
@Awake Amsterdam 2011
Using Mind to Recognize Mind Thimpu 2009

Tony Bennett: Duets II

2016-05-10 Open Heart Reds
with dried Cranberries

Tsokyni Rinpoche
Open Heart, Open Mind

2016-05-10 Open Mind Blues
with dried Blueberries

Tsokyni Rinpoche
Open Heart, Open Mind

2016-05-06 Enlightenment Blues
with dried Blueberries

Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche
Sacred View in Ordinary Life
Berkeley Shambhala Center, August 2005

2016-05-05 Redstone 3 Reds
with dried Cranberries

Flash back to 1961 and Alan Shepard's Freedom 7 launch into space on a Redstone Rocket in the Mercury space capsule.

Tsoknyi Rinpoche Videos

2016-05-05 Wild Fire Classics

Closer To Truth - Marvin Minsky Interviews

2016-05-04 May the 4th (be with you) Combos
with dried Blueberries & Cranberries

Mind-blowing daily summaries with music & rap!
The Science of Consciousness conference in Tucson
Consciousness Central 2016
(Helsinki 2015 is also really good)

2016-04-30 Purple Rain
with Lavendar Culinary Buds
Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche
VajraTV: Global Buddhist Television Network
Emotions (2012)

2016-04-29 Kunduz Reds
with Cranberries

Humanity has to draw the line somewhere:
Kunduz hospital bombing 'not a war crime' says Pentagon

Searching for Ground Truth in the Kunduz Hospital Bombing

Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche
VajraTV: Global Buddhist Television Network
Emotions (2012)

2016-04-27 Jampa Combos
“Kindness” Combos
for Jampa Pawo (1979-2016)
Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche
VajraTV: Global Buddhist Television Network
Emotions (2012)

Everyman: Richard Gere's Buddhism BBC 2003 Part 1

2016-04-25 Ponlop Classics

Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche
VajraTV: Global Buddhist Television Network
Emotions (2012)

Talk on activism by Margaret Flowers, MD

2016-04-24 Ponlop Blues

Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche
Emotional Rescue
2016-04-13 McDonald Classics

Art McDonald's public lecture at the Perimeter Institute
2016-04-12 Gampopa Reds
with dried Cranberries
Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche
The Four Dharmas of Gampopa (PDF)
2016-04-10 Dharmakaya Combos
with dried Blueberries & Cranberries
Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche
Pointing Out the Dharmakaya
Overheard at Halifax Forum Farmers’ Market:
“You have the best oatcakes ever!” – Jessica

2016-04-07 Dharmakaya Reds
with dried Cranberries

Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche
Pointing Out the Dharmakaya
2016-04-07 Dharmakaya Classics

Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche
Pointing Out the Dharmakaya (1.3MB PDF)
2016-04-06 Olympic Blues
with dried Blueberries

120th anniversary of
the first modern olympic games
this week!

Authors@Google: Mingyur Rinpoche
Tibetan Buddhist meditation master Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche gives a talk at Google in 2010.

2016-04-05 Olympic Combos
with dried Blueberries & Cranberries

Films for Action: Origins (2014)
Despite infomercial unreal production values, this documentary exposes a full spectrum of food issues. The moral from going back to our beginning? Stop consuming the poisons that make up our mainstream diet.

2016-04-01 April Combos
with dried Blueberries & Cranberries

Films for Action / The Venus Project
The Choice Is Ours (2016)
2016-03-31 April Combos
with dried Blueberries & Cranberries

Vajrayana text on the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
2016-03-30 Christina Reds

In Memory of
Christina Flora Hagan (1943 - 2016)

Vajrayana text on the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
2016-03-30 Christina Blues

Vajrayana text on the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
2016-03-26 TGS Blues
with Terra Beata dried Blueberries

Vajrayana text on the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
2016-03-25 TGS Reds
with Terra Beata dried Cranberries

Vajrayana text on the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
2016-03-23 Lavender TGS
Vajrayana text on the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
2016-03-23 TGS Classics
Vajrayana text on the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
2016-03-21 TGS Combos
with Cranberries & Blueberries
Vajrayana text on the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
2016-03-21 TGS Classics
Vajrayana text on the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
2016-03-18 Spring Blues
with Terra Beata dried Blueberries
Frederic Laloux
Reinventing Organizations
2016-03-15 Cáceres Reds
with Terra Beata dried Cranberries

Honouring the life and tragic death
of Berta Cáceres

Frederic Laloux
Reinventing Organizations
2016-03-15 Healthy Classics
for Seattle
Frederic Laloux
Reinventing Organizations
2016-03-11 Lavender Love
with Lavender Culinary Buds
Tony Bennett: Duets II
Over 60,000 oatcakes baked since July 2014
2016-03-10 60K Combos
with Cranberries & Blueberries
Frederic Laloux
Reinventing Organizations
2016-03-09 60K Classics

Frederic Laloux
Reinventing Organizations
2016-03-04 March Blizzard Blues
with Blueberries
No where near as bad as last year!
Frederic Laloux
Reinventing Organizations
2016-03-03 Classy Classics

Frederic Laloux
Reinventing Organizations
2016-03-02 Top Quark Combos
with Cranberries & Blueberries
Frederic Laloux & Ken Wilber
Reinventing Organizations
2016-03-01 Elizabethan Reds
with Cranberries for Betsy in Virginia
Frederic Laloux
Reinventing Organizations
2016-03-01 Bernie Classics

Frederic Laloux
Reinventing Organizations
2016-02-26 Bernie Combos
with Cranberries & Blueberries
The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity

Audio Book
2016-02-25 Bernie Blues
with Blueberries
The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity

Audio Book
2016-02-24 Bernie Reds
with Cranberries
The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity

Audio Book
2016-02-22 Full Moon Classics

The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity

Audio Book
2016-02-15 Fire Monkey Blues
with Blueberries
H.E. Garchen Rinpoche
Mahamudra Teachings Day 2 Session 1, 1/20/2013
Mahamudra Teachings Day 2 Session 2, 1/20/2013

2016-02-09 Fire Monkey Reds
with Cranberries
H.E. Garchen Rinpoche
Mahamudra Teachings Day 2 Session 1, 1/20/2013
Mahamudra Teachings Day 2 Session 2, 1/20/2013

2016-02-09 Fire Monkey Classics

H.E. Garchen Rinpoche
Mahamudra Teachings Day 1 Session 1, 1/19/2013
Mahamudra Teachings Day 1 Session 2, 1/19/2013

2016-02-08 Fire Monkey Combos
with Cranberries & Blueberries
H.E. Garchen Rinpoche
Mahamudra Teachings Day 1 Session 1, 1/19/2013
Mahamudra Teachings Day 1 Session 2, 1/19/2013

2016-02-05 Valentines Combos
with Cranberries & Blueberries
Chogyam Trungpa Legacy Project
Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma Panel Discussions

2016-02-05 Valentines Classics

Chogyam Trungpa Legacy Project
Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma Panel Discussions

2016-02-05 HCA Classics

Chogyam Trungpa Legacy Project
Profound Treasury of the Ocean of Dharma Panel Discussions

2016-02-04 HCA Blues
with Blueberries
8th Fire
Aboriginal Peoples, Canada, & The Way Forward
2016-02-04 Valentine Reds
with Cranberries
8th Fire
Aboriginal Peoples, Canada, & The Way Forward

2016-02-02 Valentine Combos
with Cranberries & Blueberries
The 17th Gyalwang Karmapa
Jewel Ornament of Liberation

2016-02-01 Canadian Classics

The 17th Gyalwang Karmapa
Jewel Ornament of Liberation

2016-01-29 Canadian Blues
with Blueberries
The 17th Gyalwang Karmapa
Jewel Ornament of Liberation

2016-01-29 Canadian Reds
with Cranberries
The 17th Gyalwang Karmapa
Jewel Ornament of Liberation

2016-01-28 Canadian Combos
with Cranberries & Blueberries
The 17th Gyalwang Karmapa
Jewel Ornament of Liberation

2016-01-23 Overheard at Halifax Forum Farmers’ Market:
“These are the best oatcakes I’ve ever had.” – Rosemary
“We now know oatcake perfection is possible...” – Keltie
2016-01-21 Planet Nine Combos
with Cranberries & Blueberries
The 17th Gyalwang Karmapa
Jewel Ornament of Liberation
Recorded during 3rd Arya Kshema at Tergar Monastery. Bodhgaya, India. January 14-February 1, 2016.

2016-01-21 Planet Nine Classics

The 17th Gyalwang Karmapa
Jewel Ornament of Liberation
Precious Dharma teachings

2016-01-20 Snape Cakes
with Terra Beata dried Cranberries
Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
The Four Foundations of Mindfulness Meditation
2016-01-20 David Bowie Blues
with Terra Beata dried Blueberries

Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
The Four Foundations of Mindfulness Meditation
2016-01-14 Celtic Combos

2016-01-14 Celtic Classics

2016-01-10 Celtic Blues

The History of English Podcasts
2016-01-10 Celtic Reds

The History of English Podcasts
2016-01-06 Orion Combos

The History of English Podcasts
2016-01-06 Orion Classics
Dedicated to Star gazers
Michael Pollan: In Defense of Food

Looking back – Forty months – 200,000 Oatcakes Retrospective: 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014

Genuine Nova Scotia Oatcakes
Awesome Goodness in Every Bite.                    

A Sealevel Special Project   Photo by Chris Reardon