An oatcake with a bibliography? Well one has to listen to something while making and baking. Might as well explore our world. I've always been attracted to "the big picture." Here's an overview of some influences on the oatcake (with a handful of really big picture links). This is a work in progress and yet you can catch the drift.

Suggestions are most welcome.


  • Ajeet
  • Berman, Scott
  • Bush, Zach
  • Carlson, Tucker
  • Delingpole, James (1965-)
  • Dogen, Eihei (1200 - 1253)
  • Ehret, Matt
  • Estés, Clarissa Pinkola (1943-)
  • Farrow, Lynne
  • Grant, Jenn (1980-)
  • Gyatso, Tenzin the Fourteenth Dalai Lama (1935-)
  • Hawkins, David R. M.D., PH.D. (1927–2012)
  • High, Clif
  • Holecek, Andrew
  • Kastrup, Bernardo PhD, PhD
  • Knightly, Kit
  • Love, Ariyana
  • Malik, Ahmad
  • Marcus, Aubrey
  • Morton, Timothy Bloxam (1968-)
  • Mounsey, Gavin
  • Nehls, Michael MD, PhD
  • Norbu, Khyentse aka Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche (1961-)
  • O'Neill, Barbara
  • Oliver, Neil (1967-)
  • Price, Weston Andrew (1870-1948)
  • Putin, Vladimir (1952-)
  • Qu’appelle, Crow
  • Reese, Greg
  • Sachs, Jeffrey (1954-)
  • Salla, Michael
  • Sapolsky, Robert M. (1957-)
  • Slavsquat, Edward
  • Taibbi, Matt (1970-)


  • Allen, Gary (1936-1986)
  • Allen, Keith
  • Armstrong, Martin
  • Beeley, Vanessa (1964-)
  • Bhogal, Gurwinder
  • Broadbery, Dustin
  • Chögyam Trungpa (1939-1987)
  • Corbett, James
  • Coupland, Douglas (1961-)
  • Cudenec, Paul
  • Davis, Iain
  • Dodsworth, Laura (1973-)
  • Eisenstein, Charles (1967-)
  • Estulin, Daniel (1966-)
  • Granögger, Ulrike
  • Greer, Steven Macon (1955-)
  • Hawken, Paul (1946-)
  • Iverson, Kim (1980-)
  • Kennedy, Robert F. Jr. (1954-)
  • Kimmerer, Robin Wall
  • Lisée, Jean-François
  • Nolte, John
  • O'Neill, Barbara (1953-)
  • Ösel Tendzin (1943-1990)
  • Palmer, Rodney
  • Percival, Harold Waldwin (1868-1953)
  • Peterson, Jordan B (1962-)
  • Rancourt, Denis
  • Rogan, Joe (1967-)
  • Selbie, Joseph
  • Simone, Nina (1933-2003)
  • Somé, Malidoma Patrice (1956-2021)
  • Steinmetz, David
  • Turner, Toko-pa
  • Vedam, Raj Dr.
  • Vighi, Fabio
  • Villoldo, Alberto
  • Wallace, David Foster (1962-2008)
  • Werner, Richard (1967-)
  • Zoll, Will


  • Bailey, Sam
  • Batchelor, Stephen (1953-)
  • Beck, Jeff (1944-2023)
  • Childs, Montgomery
  • Dalio, Ray
  • Davison, Ben
  • De Stefano, Matías
  • Desmet, Mattias
  • Dowd, Edward
  • Elia, Kim
  • Fischer, Norman (1946-)
  • Fletcher, Angus
  • Hamer, John
  • Hạnh, Thích Nhất (1926-2022)
  • hayekian
  • Hecht, Etana
  • Kisin, Konstantin (1982-)
  • Leslie, Diarra
  • Leung, Brent W.
  • May, Imelda (1974-)
  • Meade, Michael (1944-)
  • Orlov, Dmitry (1962-)
  • Osmond, Jordan
  • Peloso, Andrew
  • Pollack, Gerald H. Dr.
  • Real, Terrence
  • Regoto, Jeremy
  • Shantideva (c. 685-763 CE)
  • Sharman, Mark (1950-)
  • Steppling, John
  • Stone, Mike
  • Strong, Rebecca
  • Svensmark, Henrik
  • Thurman, Robert (1941-)
  • Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche IX (1955-2012)
  • Voss, Chris (1957-)
  • Wallach, Michael
  • Wilson, Antoinette
  • Wolf, Naomi (1962-)
  • Wood, Patrick
  • Yeshe, Thubten (1935-1984)


  • Anderson, Laurie (1947-)
  • Bosch, Jason
  • Brown, Laurie (1957-)
  • Chödron, Pema (1936-)
  • Datt, Deepti
  • Engelbrecht, Torsten
  • Feldman, John (1954-)
  • Fort, Maximilian C.
  • Fuellmich, Reiner (1958-)
  • Gielen, Tim
  • Graeber, David (1961-2020)
  • Leake, John
  • Martin, David Dr.
  • Maté, Gabor (1944-)
  • Mathur, Varun
  • McDowell, Alison
  • Mercola, Joseph Dr. (1954-)
  • Morningstar, Cory
  • Peruzzo, Dan
  • Samarajiva, Indi
  • Schwartz, Richard C. Ph.D (1949-)
  • Steppling, John
  • Tapper, Ben Dr.
  • Wengrow, David (1972-)
  • Zelenko, Vladimir Dr. (1973-2022)


  • Antonopoulos, Andreas M.
  • Armand Amar (1953-)
  • Arthus-Bertrand,Yann (1946-)
  • Davis, Wade
  • Joyce, James (1882 – 1941)
  • LePera, Nicole Dr.
  • Lord, Beth
  • Ovid (43 BC – 18 AD)
  • Piketty, Thomas (1971-)
  • Rinpoche, Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche
  • Rinpoche, Dilgo Khyentse (c.1910-1991)
  • Rinpoche, Dudjom (1904-1987)
  • Rinpoche, Jetsün Khandro
  • Rinpoche, Tsoknyi (1966)
  • Rinpoche, Tulku Thondup (1939-2023)
  • Tusa, Scott


  • Armstrong, Sally (1943-)
  • Blank, Dave (1953-)
  • Borges, Jorge Luis (1899-1986)
  • Brand, Russell (1975-)
  • Brown, Derren (1971-)
  • Burke, James (1936-)
  • Chomsky, Noam (1928-)
  • Curran, Amelia
  • Davidson, Richard Dr. (1951-)
  • Dowman, Keith (1945-)
  • Dubois, Lopon Barbara
  • Fatah, Natasha
  • Gendlin, Eugene (1926-2017)
  • Jung, Carl (1875-1961)
  • Keown, Dan
  • Naropa (c.956–1040)
  • Rinpoche, Dzogchen Ponlop (1965-)
  • Rinpoche, Kalu (1905-1989)
  • Rinpoche, Yongey Mingyur (1975-)
  • Rushkoff, Douglas (1961-)
  • Saul, John Ralston (1947-)
  • Shephard, Philip
  • Stillman, Cate
  • Summers, Josh
  • Talaga, Tanya
  • Tilopa (988–1069)
  • Winters, Nasha

More to come.
Note that this is a compiled retrospective and in order not to be redundant authors and artists appear here just once when they were last listened to.